February 10, 2016
Katie and George, Winter Shadows

Having Fun Building A Business

Time flies when you are having fun, they say. Here we are, already more than a month into 2016. Are we having fun yet? I certainly am. Starting your own business is at once exciting, nerve racking, inspiring, and enormously busy. It surely helps if you can affiliate with a company that has built most of the nuts and bolts of a working business for you. That is a wonderful trick to getting started small with lots of potential and not tens of thousands of dollars to invest up front. If you can find a company that has products already created […]
January 21, 2016
Me and Ryan in Cincinnati

Answer Your “WHY”

Sending a shout out to all of my people and some real encouragement to answer your big “WHY”. If you are an entrepreneur there are going to be times when you “just don't feel like” doing something that needs to be done! I sincerely doubt that any of us completely escape this type of scenario. Let's face it. There are just some tasks that don't, in and of themselves, motivate us very much at all. It's for times like these that you need to be able to refer to your “WHY.” You need to be able to quickly access the […]
January 4, 2016
Ryan & Me; Kobo Gallery Opening, Savannah, Ga.

Happy 2016, In Internet Marketing (Home Based Business), As In Life, Every Day Is A New Beginning

Happy 2016! Letting go of the past, and looking forward to a bright future at the beginning of this new year. Each day is also a new beginning. Isn't that wonderful? And that is why it is SO critical to never give up! Whatever you did, or did not do, last year is behind you. Whatever your successes, whatever your failures, all of that is behind you now. If 2015 was a little tough on you, all of its challenges are in your past and you have the choice to start this new year with a clean slate. If 2015 […]
December 22, 2015

Never, Ever, Give Up

Hello again, Over the end of last week and over the weekend, I survived five days of a barely functional, to completely non functional, computer and learned more about computer function, and how to muddle through somewhat with only my iPhone for internet access, than I ever hoped to know. For normal folks with great vision and especially for the youngsters among us, this would not be such a noteworthy feat. Being visually challenged though, it was quite a praiseworthy accomplishment. You see, on my computer I can enlarge things however much I might need to do so in order […]
December 19, 2015
Beautiful Beach at Puerto Vallarta

Hello on WordPress, thanks to Mr. John Chow

Hello World on WordPress and a great big thank you to Mr. John Chow for getting me set up to start blogging. This must be what it is like to be sailing on a great big sea with a little tiny boat, all made of even tinier pieces that kind friends and neighbors have helped you put together into what you are pretty sure a boat is supposed to be. Have had little bits and pieces that have been pulled together for the past few months and love writing, but couldn't quite get all of those bits and pieces together […]
March 29, 2016
Matt and me at 2016 Puerto Vallarta Titanium

Seek First To Understand, Accept – Then Reinvent

Seek First To Understand, Accept – Then Reinvent Listen (Listening is SO important) Accept what is! (Okay, you don't have to love it, but it really does help if you accept what is actually happening!) Don't take things personally! (Most of the time, it really is NOT personal at all and taking it personally keeps us locked into a negative feedback loop that helps no one, especially us.) It is really up to us to figure out who we are at our core and accept that, and then figure out how to get that message out there to the people who […]
March 27, 2016
Thanks For My Ask GaryVee Book, Carolina

Ten Rules For Success From A Superstar

So, I was listening to a Gary Vee YouTube talk. I enjoy him. He's obviously VERY smart and kind of a wise guy too, and he's funny. His language is a little over the top for me, so I'll try to distill this without all the “F” words he uses when he talks and get the meat of the ideas for you. Gary Vaynerchuk's 10 rules for success: Bet on your strengths and don't bother at all about what you are not good at. Focus on what you are good at and put all of your time, effort, energy, and […]
March 24, 2016
Laptop Lifestyle In Cincinnati, Showing My Spunky Side

My Private Facebook Group, Katie’s Encore Career Entrepreneurs

My Private Facebook Group – Katie's Encore Career Entrepreneurs If you are interested in an encore career as an entrepreneur, you might have no idea at all where to start. I sure didn't when I got started! Here is a bonus YouTube video addressing that very dilemma that I recorded a little while back. Take a listen HERE I've set up a private Facebook group as a place where my “peeps” can go for encouragement, tips and tricks, to ask questions and find answers, and to share with other like minded persons. My private Facebook group is by approval only. […]
March 22, 2016
Violet and "Melmo"

Persistence And Little Baby Steps

Persistence And Little Tiny Baby Steps Sometimes all the persistence one can muster is to take a few little tiny baby steps at the close of a day that has seemed very long in many ways. Don't underestimate the courage that this requires! If today is this kind of a day for you, then give yourself proper credit for extending yourself enough for those little tiny baby steps that you are able to take. Some days are just like that and I hope to encourage you to carry on, doing even just that one simple thing that you are able […]