Katie and George, Winter Shadows
Having Fun Building A Business
February 10, 2016
Dolphin Hugs
Amazing Mastermind In Puerto Vallarta
March 3, 2016
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Beach Sunset, Puerto Vallarta

So, I'm here in amazingly beautiful Puerto Vallarta and enjoying every minute of this “working vacation” with its very stimulating business intensive and the balmy tropical setting.

The sunset on the beach and over the water during last night's dinner was serene, majestic, and warm in great contrast to the bitter cold of the Northeastern United States. That is home and I love it, but this is heaven.

There is so much to learn as a new start up business owner and I am so blessed and grateful for finding the most awesome bunch of people to work with that God ever did put on this earth!

Everyone has been so helpful with everything from the mundane to the completely unexpected obstacles with a touch of the dramatic that accompanies being far away from home and having your fairly new iPhone unable to accept a charge. Try that one on for size for a moment. Just imagine being in another country where many people have “un pocito” English and you have “un pocito” Espanol, for me that means approximately about one word for each year that I lived in a primarily Latino town awhile back.

As a nurse serving a largely Latino community at that time, I learned a “smattering” of Spanish vocabulary that was directly related to my line of work, which wasn't exactly about navigating an unknown city or shopping in a mall for someone to help me with my disabled phone. This adventure ought really to be called detective work amongst a kind and generous people, them with their smattering of English and me with mine of Spanish, or Spanglish, as some might describe it.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, as they say, every single person here at the Titanium Mastermind has been friendly, supportive, helpful, and generous as well.

So, at the end of the day (and this is certainly the end of mine), what a great day I had! Made some bold steps in my business today, more details to follow in later episodes, and enjoyed this adventure into another culture and way of life in one of this beautiful big green and blue marbled earth's paradises.

Now my cell phone is charging at last and I am going to recharge my own batteries!

Buenos noches, my friends!

Katie Munch

PS Check out my website at  http://arielle824.wix.com/katie-munch

If you click on LEARN MORE tab and the LEARN MORE BUTTON there and enter your best email address, you will hear my friend Mike's amazing story of getting started himself from his sick bed.

PPS Tomorrow I swim with the dolphins!

1 Comment

  1. Katie says:

    Thanks so much! Enjoy it. I’m certainly enjoying doing it!

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