Entrepreneur’s Confession
February 21, 2017
Sunset above the clouds.
Katie Munch, Lifestyle Freedom Entrepreneur, Shares From The Heart
May 6, 2017
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One Entrepreneur’s Gratitude For Lifestyle Freedom And “Coming Out Of The Dark”

Coming Out Of The Dark

Hi All,

Here is this entrepreneur's expression of gratitude for lifestyle freedom and “coming out of the dark.”

Here in the Northeastern United States, we are lying under a quiet blanket of snow, about a foot and a half of it! It has been a very long and very dark winter for this encore career entrepreneur. Some of you may know that I lost my “baby brother,” my only sibling, on Thanksgiving Day.

It was a struggle to focus on anything, particularly anything creative, during the months after Mike's death. I'm sure that many of you wondered about the silence from me. The rawness of grief is beginning to soften now and I am “coming out of the dark.”

In spite of the heavy blanket of snow, the days are growing lighter and longer already. Spring is nearly here. The birds are active and singing. We've even seen delicate and delightful snowdrops appearing.

This entrepreneur is grateful for the incredible lifestyle freedom afforded me in owning and building my very own business. This allowed me to spend many quality hours with Mike before his passing. This alone is priceless!

This week, I relished the freedom of staying warm and cozy by the fire and watching the snow pile up while I continued to work right here at home. No longer do I need to shovel my car out before dawn and drive on snow covered roads to work for someone else.

Do YOU dream of that kind of freedom? I certainly did!

Now it is my privilege to help other dreamers and aspiring entrepreneurs to build a life doing what they truly love, working when, where, and with whom, they desire.

I'm looking for 20 dreamers who know it takes action to build your dreams into reality. If you that describes you, if you are looking for a pathfinder on your journey to your dream life, schedule a FREE 9 minute consultation with me at https://calendly.com/katiemunch/free9minutes. In this call we will talk about where you are now, where you want to go, and how I can help you get there.

Let's get connected!

Katie Munch

Lifestyle Freedom Innovations






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