June 26, 2016
Rock Formations, Puerto Vallarta

Entrepreneurial Wealth Mindset Or Poverty Mindset

Hey there, my friends ~ Mindset is everything! Entrepreneurs have either a  wealth mindset, in which case nothing will prevent them from accumulating wealth as long as they do their best to do so; or a scarcity mindset, in which case almost nothing will help them to accumulate wealth no matter what they do. For all those who suspect that they have a poverty mindset picked up by osmosis from their parents or grandparents, I recommend “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill for a mindset tune up. It really isn't about working and slaving, it's more about believing it […]
June 20, 2016
At The Shore With The Granddaughters

Entrepreneurs And Fathers

Hey there, Today is a day that we honor fathers, so my mind naturally wanders to thinking about fathers and entrepreneurs (because, being one, my mind naturally wanders to entrepreneurship every day). Happy Fathers Day to all of the fathers, fathers to be, and father figures as well! May you be honored today by those you love. What is similar about entrepreneurs and fathers, you ask? At the most basic level, both are creators! Fathers dream of being fathers, sow their seed and, if their act is intentional, they watch over and protect their child (and ideally the mother of […]
June 16, 2016
Darkest Before The Dawn

Plan D ~ Entrepreneur’s Disaster Day

Hello all, You've heard of moving on to Plan B, right? Well, the past few days, I've “one upped” myself and moved right on past Plan B and Plan C to the mystery of Plan D! Go ahead! You can chuckle under your breath or “Laugh Out Loud” if you must. I get it! In fact, if I were the reader instead of the writer, I probably would too. The thing is, as an entrepreneur you are going to just have some days that happen like this too! There will be some days where Plan A, Plan B, and Plan […]
June 14, 2016
Mimi and Violet

Do Or Die Challenge, Entrepreneurs ~ Part 2

So, now for part 2 of the Do Or Die Challenge we entrepreneurs were given in Montego Bay. You know they say that people are more afraid of public speaking than of death and I reckon I was scared just about to death. Oh, I was doing just fine heading up to the front. But I was at the head of the line, you see. So I didn't see anyone else having their computers or notes or anything taken away from them before it happened to me. After taking my computer, the emcee was so reassuring. “All you need to […]
June 13, 2016

Do Or Die Challenge, Entrepreneurs

Hey there, About 5 weeks ago, I was on stage speaking to somewhere between 70 and 100 people, extemporaneously. It was sort of a do or die challenge thrown out to us. Now for you “big word haters” out there, the definition: Extemporaneously definition = done, spoken, performed, etc., without special advance preparation; impromptu: an extemporaneous speech. I had been on stage twice earlier in the 10 day Mastermind. Once I was reading an email I was sending to my list. The second time, I was on stage to video another attendee's coaching session with our very own online multi millionaire superstar, […]
March 31, 2016
Darkest Before The Dawn

The Wee Hours, Again, “Entrepreneuring”

So, here I am again in the wee hours of the morning, your “Encore Career Entrepreneur”~ wannabe blogger ~thinking about what it is that keeps me going and going (kind of like the EverReady bunny) until these kinds of hours so often. It is a part of the laptop lifestyle that I cherish, this being able to keep going “when the Spirit moves me” doing something that I love, knowing that it is okay to be working when most of my little corner of the world is asleep. It is wonderful to know that if I'm feeling inspired, it is […]
March 29, 2016
Matt and me at 2016 Puerto Vallarta Titanium

Seek First To Understand, Accept – Then Reinvent

Seek First To Understand, Accept – Then Reinvent Listen (Listening is SO important) Accept what is! (Okay, you don't have to love it, but it really does help if you accept what is actually happening!) Don't take things personally! (Most of the time, it really is NOT personal at all and taking it personally keeps us locked into a negative feedback loop that helps no one, especially us.) It is really up to us to figure out who we are at our core and accept that, and then figure out how to get that message out there to the people who […]
March 24, 2016
Laptop Lifestyle In Cincinnati, Showing My Spunky Side

My Private Facebook Group, Katie’s Encore Career Entrepreneurs

My Private Facebook Group – Katie's Encore Career Entrepreneurs If you are interested in an encore career as an entrepreneur, you might have no idea at all where to start. I sure didn't when I got started! Here is a bonus YouTube video addressing that very dilemma that I recorded a little while back. Take a listen HERE I've set up a private Facebook group as a place where my “peeps” can go for encouragement, tips and tricks, to ask questions and find answers, and to share with other like minded persons. My private Facebook group is by approval only. […]
March 20, 2016
Dolphin Kisses

Starting Where You Are

Starting Where You Are… So, I've been thinking about starting where you are. It sounds terribly silly, doesn't it? I mean, let's be real! Where else can you possibly start? The thing is that most of us actually do try to start somewhere else instead. We try to start “ahead of ourselves” which inevitably leads to frustration. First we need to know where we are now, and we need to know WHO we are now. There is something magical about this whole equation once we get it going. Seeing clearly the difference between where we are now and who we […]